Websites Regarding Genetically Engineered Food
A newly updated list for those concerned about the chemical companies and the U.S. Government and what they are doing: The recent cross-species genetic engineering of the global food supply with the genes of viruses, bacteria, insects, fish, animals; even with human DNA. Relevant Websites About Genetic Engineering:
The first list brings regular and valuable information: Please send a new subscription request to: with the word SUBSCRIBE (or SUBSCRIBE DIGEST) in the SUBJECT line of your message. The second list comes from Germany, but is written in English. It is very worth subscribing to. To subscribe to this list:
To get general information send "help". The REQUEST-address is only for the administration of the list. The third list is the "Reclaim The Streets" (RTS) list (a UK-based Consumer Organization) To subscribe send an e-mail with 'Subscribe Genetics' in the subject box to: Reclaim the Streets
Telephone in U.S. (800) 381-4712 Tell them you want to join the crusade against genetically engineered foods. The Pure Food Campaign1660 L St. N.W. #216 Washington, D.C. 20036 or The Pure Food Campaign
Telephones: (202) 775-1132, (218) 226-4164, or (218) 226-4155
WHAT IS THE PURE FOOD CAMPAIGN? The Pure Food Campaign (PFC) is a non-profit, public interest organization dedicated to building a healthy, safe, and sustainable system of food production and consumption in the US and the world. The PFC's primary strategy is to help build a national and international consumer/farmer/labor/progressive retailer boycott of genetically engineered and chemically contaminated foods and crops. The PFC is sponsored by the Washington, D.C. based Foundation on Economic Trends, whose President is the author and technology critic, Jeremy Rifkin. The Pure Food Campaign serves as a global clearinghouse for information and grassroots technical assistance to citizen activists and non-governmental organizations concerned about agriculture, food safety, life form patenting, and genetic engineering. The PFC also provides interviews and background material for journalists and news organizations worldwide. The Campaign utilizes a variety of tactics including targetted boycotts, grassroots lobbying, litigation, progressive media and public relations, activist networking, and direct action protests and media events. The PFC National Director is Ronnie Cummins. Website: Mothers for Natural LawP.O. Box 1177 Fairfield, Iowa 52556 U.S.A. Telephone in U.S. (515) 472-2809
They have a valuable "Safety First" Information pack -- They need $3.00
U.S. for shipping and handling. Make checks payable to "Mothers For Natural
There is a three-part series designed to inform people all over the world about this travesty. It is called "Avoiding Dangerous Foods." This three-part series has an action plan to stop this outrage with the food supply. It gives a way for you and your friends avoid GE food and to take a leadership role to stop genetically engineered foods. To recieve a copy of the three-part series, send an e-mail to: with "Avoiding Dangerous Foods" in the subject line. |