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Direita Esquerda

Projeção dos órgãos na íris Orientação ao Aprendizado Aparência dos sinais no relevo da íris Orientação ao Aprendizado Sistema Digestivo Orientação ao Aprendizado Stress Orientação ao Aprendizado Sistema Respiratório Orientação ao Aprendizado Sistema Gênito-Urinário Orientação ao Aprendizado Coração Orientação ao Aprendizado Alterações Hormonais Orientação ao Aprendizado Intoxicações Orientação ao Aprendizado Homeopatia e Iridologia Orientação ao Aprendizado Anatomia do Olho

Iridologia e Homeopatia
A relação entre aspectos da íris e características pessoais permite uma aproximação genérica com alguns medicamentos. Até o momento tenho observado Natrium Muriaticum e Sulphur.

Natrium Muriaticum

Iris que expressa tensão e rigidez
Anel de sódio envolvendo,
Right iris: Hypertension, hypercholesteremia, renal lythiasis
predominância de raios solares  
com maior intensidadade em seios paranasais  
criptas em seios paranasais: 
esfenoidal (ao centro) e frontal esquerdo (12,45hs)

Coloco as observações de colegas gregos com o intuito de exemplificar as possibilidades desta área de estudo.

Iridology and homeopathy belong both to the so-called "alternative" medicine. Twenty-four homeopathic medicaments have been studied in the iris by the Italian Rizzi School, and they have facilitated the work of the homeopaths, since through the iris examination we can accurately find so the type of the patient, as the homeopathic medicaments he needs. 
Starting from this issue, we shall present the homeopathic medicaments that have been studied.

Acute and chronic gastroenteritis, congestion of portal vein, liver diseases, skin problems. 
The patient gets worse at night, after midnight and after rest. He improves with warmth.
Inner pupillary border: Brown color. Arrows protruded in the pupil's interior. 

Crown's area: Presence of white stains in a cone shape. 

Iris collarette: It is well outlined with white shades that extend also to the area of the organs at the light-colored irises, but at the dark-colored irises there are tobacco colored spots at the area of the organs.


ACIDUM SULFURICUM: The Inner pupillary border has a yellow-golden color. It presents a disturbance at the suprarenal glands.  
HEPAR SULFUR: The Inner pupillary border is thinner and reddish.



Alteration of the calcium's metabolism, rachitis, spasmophilia, bronchial asthma, tetany, obesity, nodulus erythema, acme. 
The patient gets better with dry weather and constipation. He gets worse with humidity and fear.
Inner pupillary border: Brown color, squared, with unequal distances. 

Crown's area: Flat. 

Iris collarette: Normal, well outlined. 

Ciliary zone: Nerve rings. Insufficiency of the hypophysis, the thyroid, the gonads and the suprarenal glands (furrows).

Venous congestion, ptosis of the organs, sympathetic dystonia, headache, constipation, liver insufficiency, liver congestion. Worse with standing, cold or after lunches. Better with warmth and cold drinks.
Inner pupillary border: Brown color that tends to become greyish, with the morphology of a compressed spring. A characteristic mark is the presence of two symmetrical fattenings in the first hour at the left iris and in the eleventh hour at the right one. 

Crown's area: The crown is widely presented, with a predominance of the parasympathetic. On account of this, we have a vasoconstriction at the periphery and an increased sexual activity (that can be responsible for a disturbance). The inflated crown signifies constipation caused by an intestine's atony and biliary colics caused by the bilestones. The color of the crown is dirty yellow, because of the deposition of the bilirubin in the fibres. 

Iris collarette: Normal and white. It is possible that there is an opening at the area of the liver, which means an insufficiency of the organ. 

Ciliary zone: Liver's and female's reproductive system areas are compromised. 

Interior edge of the iris: Presence of small yellow flakes, called cotton wool spots or tophi, mainly at the inferior hemisphere, which mean skin problems, typically of Sepia, brown spots in the face, herpes, psoriasis, eczema.



Nervous headache, neuralgia of the trigeminal, motor ataxy, acute and chronic gastritis, duodenal bulb ulcer, constipation, dysmenorrhoea. 
The patient gets worse with food, during the morning, with noise and contact, coffee and elaborate food. He improves during the night, with warmth and rest.
Inner pupillary border: It is absent or it is too thin at the inferior part and its color is brown. It is wavy, directed to the center of the pupil. 

Crown's area: It presents relief areas. Between two of them, the layer of the iris is presented rare (cyclothymic personality). 

Iris collarette: It is absent. It is replaced by a rust-colored chrostic, meaning some metabolic problems of the liver and the pancreas. 

Ciliary zone: Liver's and pancreas' disorders. 

Interior edge of the iris: Presence of nerve rings that signify sensitivity to any contact or to any exterior noise.

Neuralgia of the facial nerve, vertigo by congestion, leiomyoma of the uterus, rheumatisms. The patient gets worse periodically (usually every week) and he improves with sleep.
Inner pupillary border: Black color. Wide and hypertrophic. 

Crown's area: Ochre's color, with reddish marks that indicate hormonal disorders. 

Iris collarette: Same color, with reddish spots. 

Ciliary zone: Open lacunae in the area of the glands indicate a predisposition to diabetes. Lacunae, at 3 and 9 o'clock, that indicate hypothyroid and tendency to obesity.



Luiz Meira

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