Besides reacting easily to bulky antigenes (necrophage animals
and fungii) they can identify the most sutle chemycal substances, as well
as discrete genetic changes in food products.
The imediate or late clinical signs that could contain
immune aspects wold be:
By excluding the animal food
antigenes (described in ancient texts), the
symptoms improve and tend to disapear. In ten days
we can observe mensurable changes, clinical and sorological.
The antibodies that we are identifying in great
fall are the ones that follow:
ASLO (Anti streptoLisin O)
TPO-Ab (Anti-TyreoPerOxidase)
TG-Ab (Anti-TyreoGlobulin)
We also observed decreasing of eosinofily and
haemosedimentation speed.
Translated by
Maria Kenney Barão Geraldo / Campinas / SP, Brasil
Phone/Fax +55 19 3287 5304