Allergy to Animal Products
The basic premise is that the forbidden animals induce to the formation of immune complexes, exacerbating any auto-immune manifestation that the individual is predisposed to.
Some antibodies like TPO-Ab (anti-tyreoperoxidase) are found some hundred times above the normal in users of swine products, so that we can imagine that the auto-immune reaction would not be a disfunction of the system, but consequent to the intense formation of immune complexes due to the amount of circulating antibodies.
The understanding of the immune aspects involved in the ingestion of animal products is of meaninful importance for our times, for besides the broad use disseminated of forbidden animals, we have the use with same amplitude of feed with animal proteins for herbivores.
The spring of "prions" (chains of amino-acid with infectious behavors) in herbivores treated with animal protein (feed) is a concrete evidence of the harmful effect of this pratice assumed by the most of the commercial breeders.
The stronger horn is the "mad cow" disease itself. Instead of crushed sheep, we give fish and chicken to cattle, while to chicken we give cattle bone and pork (remember that most of the bones is constitued by proteid - antigenic matrix), and to the confined fish we give excretion of chicken and pork. These procedures end up by producing a daly food immunization in slaughter animals, leaving them with the circulanting antibodies also hundreds of times above the normal level. Such antibodies end up increasing the deposing of immune complexes in ourselves, increasing all the immune symptoms. This explains why people allergic to bovine milk do not develop symptoms to the ingestion of goat milk, because it is not usual to give feed to goats, especially the ones raised in small scale.
Milk of cattle fed with feed is less dense, has a putrid smell and decomposes more quickly if compared to milk of cattle fed with pasture.
Besides the prions resulting from ovine encephalitis, the conservation of the rests of the animals in the many phases of the processing of feed allow the development of molds that interact with the prions. It is worth remembering that research in the best butchery in Campinas, SP - Brasil, demonstraded amount of the molds one thousand times above that permitted for these products of all butcherys.
After this explanation normally comes the expression: "So can't we eat anything else?", and this it usually makes me wonder for, in no moment of human kind history there has been such a varied offer of foods in terms of fruits, cereals, and chestnuts, whether imported or cultivated here, we have such products available in the whole world, at any time of the year.
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