The iris (the coloured circle in the middle of the eyeball) is like a map to the territory of your life. The Rayid model is a means of interpreting the symbols on the map to better understand the interactions which make up our experience of life.
The first step is to decide on the structure of the irises in question. You will need to choose one from four basic structures - Rayid refers to these as Stream, Flower, Jewel and Shaker iris structures.
These structures are presented below ..
Please be aware that most irises are a combination of types. However
as we're just starting out, it will make it easier if we are content with
identifying the most prominent characteristics and using these to determine
the structure.
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The structure of the Iris is determined by the arrangement of the white
fibers radiating from the center of the iris (or pupil). In this image
you can notice they are uniform and reasonably direct or parallel.
All irises contain these fibers although in some irises (typically very dark irises) they can be a challenge to discern (in truth - in very dark irises we find it a challenge to discern anything ! |
This image illustrates the stream iris fiber arrangement.
The fibers are roughly parallel, evenly arranged and vary only in density (closeness to each other) and intensity (brightness). View more stream irises This is the most challenging of the four iris types to identify and we encourage you to look at the other Flower, Jewel and Shaker structures. You can also go directly to the Stream interpretation. |
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In a Flower Iris the fibers radiating from the center are distorted
(in one or more places) to produce the effect of petals (hence the name
In this image you can notice they are neither regular or uniform. A flower iris may have only one significant petal with the remainder of the iris looking like a stream. |
This image illustrates the flower iris fiber arrangement.
The fibers form rounded openings in the iris - these vary in size, density and intensity and are likely to be more apparent in the left eye.. This is usually much easier to identify than a stream iris - but remember if an iris is 90% stream and 10% flower it is best interpreted as a flower at this stage. You can view more flower irises, move
to the Flower interpretation
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The jewel iris can be recognised by the presence of pigmentation or
coloured dots on top of the fibers.
These dots (or jewels) can vary in colour from light orange through black. They can also vary in size from tiny (invisible to the naked eye) to quite large. |
This image illustrates the Jewel iris fiber and pigmentation arrangement.
The pigmentation is superimposed above the fibers This is usually much easier to identify than a stream iris - but remember if an iris is 90% stream and 10% jewel it is best interpreted as a jewel at this stage. You can view more jewel irises, move to the interpretation of the Jewel structure or look at the Stream, Flower and Shaker structure descriptions. |
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The Shaker Iris is identified by the presence of both flower-like
petals in the fiber arrangement and pigmented dots or jewels.
The presence of even one jewel in an otherwise Flower iris is sufficient to cause the occupant to exhibit Shaker characteristics. The distribution and density of flowers and jewels can vary substantially between the two eyes. |
This image illustrates the Shaker iris fiber arrangement.
The fibers form rounded openings in the iris -just as in the flower iris. The fibers are overlaid by pigmented dots or jewels as in the jewel iris. You can view more shaker irises, move to the Shaker interpretation or look at the Stream, Flower and Jewel structure descriptions. |
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Stream irises indicate a kinesthetic individual - a key phrase is "in touch" since these individuals tend to interpret life's experiences through their physical being or their physical senses. |
A remarkable sense of connectedness produces talents in mediation (streams are 'in touch' with both sides of a difference). Their stability and groundedness are also real assets in resolving disputes.
Streams are blessed with accurate intuition and usually know that when they follow their feelings all goes well but when their emotions or mind occupies the driver's seat - all does not go well.
Major challenges for the stream personality are change and taking risks (mental or emotional more so than physical). Again - it is the stream's profound sense of stability which regards new or different courses of action as threatening.
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Flower irises indicate an emotional personality. Flowers are social individuals who are exciting (for others) to be around. Highly reactive and changeable - flowers are passionate, enthusiastic and generally fun to be with. |
Flowers are emotionally reactive - easily becoming angry and blaming someone else - many flowers might be near to speechless if they were deprived of the word "you" !
The main challenge for the flower personality is self-control, learning to trust themselves and to accept responsibility for their lives and actions. Should a flower start to blame themselves then depression and despair follow swiftly. Highly averse to being controlled flowers also fear abandonment or separation.
Flowers strengths are openness, ease of communication and spontaneity - they represent the joyous component of the human iris family.
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Jewels in the iris are indicative of a mental type. They are typically analytical thinkers expressing themselves through speech. Slow to acknowledge feelings, jewels prefer to rely on accumulating and classifying data to arrive at the 'correct' decision. |
For a jewel, "I think therefore I am" is better put as "I am therefore I think". To an outsider, they may appear indecisive - it is more accurate to say that they are still waiting for the final data to present itself before committing themselves. Once they do, however - there is rarely any reversal without upheaval - to a jewel, changing a decision is akin to destroying their belief structure !
Usually gifted with detailed observation skills and clarity, jewels make good leaders however their major challenges include learning to trust others and allowing (going with the flow). There is also an issue of control - many jewels can feel insecure and very uncomfortable when they are not in control of their immediate environment.
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Shakers combine the extremes of flower and jewel characteristics to produce the fourth personality type - the extremist. Highly motivated, radical, dynamic individuals, they exhibit great persistence and are continually chasing a better way of doing things. |
Motion oriented - shakers may appear impatient and are often dissatisfied with waiting for others. People are often attracted by their energy and zest, however they are challenging to keep up with and find it challenging to stay with a project once it's underway and has lost it's 'new' feel.
Shakers are sensitive to being controlled or organised - they are usually keenly aware of a better way of doing things - their experiences as employees are typically difficult and testing for both themselves and their supervisors.
The great challenge for most shakers is stillness - the ability to sit and simply 'be' - and yet, if this ability is not developed, they are prone to self-destruct through exhaustion and neglecting their bodily requirements (rest, nutrition, exercise etc).
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