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Eyesite - Iris structure page
Brain Hemisphere Utilisation


This page is aimed at showing you how your 
brain-utilisation is reflected in your eyes
The human brain (that great, grey, greasy leafless cauliflower-type object behind your eyes) is divided into two - called 'hemispheres'. These 'contain' complementary abilities - referred to as left-brain and right-brain.

The way you use the abilities of these hemispheres determine much of your personality and behaviour. The most significant determinant is which hemisphere you prefer to use in processing your sensory input.

We'll call this preference 'dominance' - someone who predominantly reacts to life using their left hemisphere abilities we'll call 'left-brain dominant'. This doesn't mean that the right-brain is atrophied or disabled - merely that the left hemisphere is that person's preferred response-provider (on the Internet its called an 'autoresponder'.

The ability to 'switch' hemispheres (to call upon the appropriate hemisphere at the appropriate moment) is a mark of balance or wholeness in the individual - logical responses are the province of the left hemisphere, creativity and intuition are regarded as right hemisphere skills.

This dominance can (and does) change from time to time throughout an individual's life - in a pattern determined in childhood. Your eyes, and other body signs, indicate the pattern of switching hemispheres.

As you look in pairs of eyes, you will notice that people's left and right eyes are rarely the same - it is this difference that reflects differences in the way they use their hemispheres.

You are constructed in a cross-linked fashion - your left eye is connected to your right brain hemisphere and vice-versa. This means that the left eye indicates your right-hemisphere activity and your right-eye indicates your left-brain activity.

Right Brain Dominance in the Eyes
A right-brain dominant Jewel structure 

notice there are more/larger/stronger brown dots (jewels) in the left iris indicating more activity in the right hemisphere.

A right-brain dominant Flower structure 

notice there are more/larger/stronger fibre petals (flowers) in the left iris indicating more activity in the right hemisphere.

Left Brain Dominance in the Eyes
A left-brain dominant Jewel structure 

notice there are more/larger/stronger jewels in the right iris indicating more activity in the left hemisphere.

A left-brain dominant Flower structure 

notice there are more/larger/stronger flowers in the right iris indicating more activity in the left hemisphere.

These structural indications are present at birth - although it may take several years for jewels to become visible. As the individual's life progresses there will be changes in the dominance of the moment - just as we need to use both legs to walk effectively, we need to use both hemispheres to respond to life in a balanced fashion.

So life will lead us from one hemisphere to the other (& back) as we learn to stride forward along our life's path using our brain.

Brain Dominance Characteristics
Area Right Brain Dominant Left Brain Dominant
Attitude A tendency to 'space out', use spirituality to avoid responsibility. A tendency to devalue creativity and spirituality. Over-dependence on Logic
Issues  Being organised, clear thinking - rational decision making, relationships with males (esp Father /figures), Providing materially  Delegation, cleaning out - 'letting go' , intuitive leaps and 'gut'-feelings, relationships with females, receiving or being provided for.
Reacts to  Feeling abandoned, controlled, betrayed - by others (mostly men) 
Feeling incapable, 'wrong'
Feeling smothered, fussed-over, untrusted - by others (mostly females) 
Feeling inadequate, unworthy 
Needs  MORE: control, clarity, focus, direction, resposibility 
LESS: expression, nurturing, social activity
MORE: spontaneity, dance, expression, nurturing, social activity 
LESS: control, clarity, focus, direction, resposibility, analysis 
Diet  Protein, cooked food, vegetables Fasting, fruits & juices, raw food
Lessons  Be more responsible, finish the job, meet your committments, trust yourself  Let go, delegate, relax, trust others 
Likes  Socialising, colour, expression, future-oriented Control, uniformity, past-oriented, 'knowing'
brought to you by Fergus & Trijntje Reilly Page design & contents by Majistyks
Hemisphere page : email link | Updated : 1/11/96
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