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Clínica Doméstica
The brain is an organ directly connected with the eyes via the optical nerve. Or, in an inverse viewpoint, the eyes are extension of the brain. In the iris, both psychic and endocrinological functions are registered.
The hypothalamus and the hypophysis are two glands placed behind the base of the nose, they are directly related with the optical stimulus and they react instantaneously to them.
The dilation and the contraction of the pupil are examples when a person is in relax or under threat. The hypophysis and the hypothalamus are represented in a predefined position in the iris and by studying the condition of this particular area we derive important information not only about the psychic, but also about the endocrinological situation of the individual. These glands (hypophysis, hypothalamus) are in the pyramide of control and function of every endocrine subordinated gland, like the thyroid, the suprarenal glands and the production of sexual hormones.
Every psychical disturbance essentially affects the biochemical process and the endocrinal equilibrium of the organism. So, psychic disturbances are not independent of the biochemical ones. The "uncaught" of the psychic sphere becomes material. The psycotic cases, as a rule, are connected to a strong toxemia, that results to bringing blood to the brain saturated with gases, like nitrogen derivatives and carbon oxides.
As it is known, during the metabolism (combustion), solid, liquid and gaseous derivatives are produced. Solids are eliminated through the intestine, liquids through the kidneys and gases through the lungs. Disturbances in gases' elimination produces blood saturation that causes disorder of cerebral cells. So, psychic events appear.
Biochemical and generally laboratory examinations in use can not give objective results about the disorders, occurring in the whole body, that cause the disease. So, the therapeutic action range is essentially limited to a symptom's repression, without facing the reasons of the disease. With the iris examination we have a diagnosis much before the symptom's appearance and, in addition to that, a complete view of the pathological foundings concerning many organs simultaneously, so a complete therapeutic intervention. 

Aspectos Hormonais
Atividades Educacionais
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 Olá! | Sementes | Clínica Doméstica | Iridologia | Alergia | Transgênicos
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