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This sign is a result from a chemical imbalance in the body, pertaining to non organic sodium excess, calcium out of solution, as well as high cholesterol and high tri?glycerides in the blood. Cholesterol Ring is also a non-specific liver marking. It may transpire when hepatopathies (liver disease) diabetes mellitus or hypo-activity of the thyroid are present. When there is a problem with the inorganic sodium and excessive fats in the body, there may be hardening of the arteries, calcium spurs and deposits, joint problems and so on. This does not necessarily mean that the blood levels of cholesterol are high but indicate there is an imbalance of fat metabolism. The cholesterol ring is a white, opaque ring that appears around the outer edge of the iris either partially or wholly.
This condition is represented by a hazy bluish ring surrounding the outer perimeter of the iris. This indicates a lack of oxygen in the body. Lack of exercise and iron anemia are common causes.
There are the small reddish?brown discoloration's in the iris that may be inherited or acquired. These discoloration's are referred to as inorganic chemical substances, that are deposited in weaker tissues of the body. The Iridologist cannot determine which particular drug is deposited, because of the presence of so many possible chemicals in our food, air and environment. The areas concerned, have less vitality to throw off drug accumulations. These may be relatively harmless but may also irritate the tissues, creating more chronic problems. These discoloration's will lighten up in time with continued cleansing procedures.
As indicated, specific areas that have weakened nerve supply as seen in the autonomic nerve wreath. A poorly defined wreath represents a weakened autonomic nervous system and intestinal insufficiency.
This shows as a lack of circulation in the cerebral/brain area. When there is a lack of circulation, there is also a lack of oxygen, as well as specific chemical elements. Gravity does not help matters at all but is recommended, if possible, that slant board exercises would benefit this area greatly.Leg "pump" exercises also benefit cerebral anemia .
The skin is a very important part of our elimination system, throwing off an average of two pounds of waste per day! It seems that if the kidneys are not functioning properly, it may cause an excess of wastes being eliminated through the skin. This is also true in the reverse. White round flecks known as tophi may be found opposite a dark skin area indicating elimination processes are restricted by poor action of the skin and to compensate there will be catarrhal formation. To keep the skin more active, it is best to find clothing that is not tight fitting. Skin brushing with a vegetable bristle will loosen away dead skin improving elimination.
The lymph system has many responsibilities in the body. Some of these are; eliminating pathogenic microorganisms, returning important proteins and fluid to the blood, absorbing fats in slow safe amounts and takes a most important role in our body's immune system. The thymus gland, tonsils, appendix, peyer's patches and spleen are all part of the lymphatic systems.
When there is congestion, there is a lack of proper circulation of this fluid. Lymph fluid, unlike blood, travels only in one direction and does not depend on the heart for movement. Exercise, especially walking is the only way to move the lymph fluid along properly. It is noteworthy that the lymph system is a sodium organ and that there is much more lymph fluid than blood in the body!
This sign resembles the spokes on a bicycle wheel. They appear as dark brown/black grooves in the iris and are seen radially from the frill outwards with the base wider than the tip. They represent inherent weakness in the bowel area and are indicative of a toxic, slow moving bowel. This is most commonly found in the biliary iris as a constitutional sign. When these are found to be pronounced in the iris, special care may be needed to take care of the bowel. Radii Solaris are also usually associated with sinus problems, toxic headache and other toxic symptoms. Radii solaris indicate nerve weakness and are a sign of insufficiency to the organ, gland and tissue field areas they disperse to in the iris. If seen in the adrenal gland the subject is likely to tire easily. If seen to be piercing the heart or kidney zones, a circulatory problem could result.
This may be caused from a variety of conditions such as diet, state of mind or under functioning of one or more elimination systems. Often all of these associations being involved to some extent.
One cannot think sweet thoughts with a sour stomach, as well as one cannot digest foods properly if the mind is not thinking correctly! Stressful, negative thinking can turn a healthy diet into nothing more than a poor diet. In order to overcome excess acidity, it is best to look at all aspects that create acidity in the body. Foods high in organic sodium and potassium, help in the neutralization and elimination of acids in the body.
This refers to the actions of the mucous membranes. When there is stress, toxins or underactive elimination organs, there will be a build up of mucous in the various tissues in the body. This mucous is there for the purpose of expelling these toxic accumulations in the body. Excessive catarrh will be thrown off usually through the bronchials and bowel. This is where we find ourselves with types of colds, flu's, sinus's, etc.
We must remember that suppression of the elimination of catarrh will systematically lead to more serious conditions later. One should also realize that when an elimination program is endured, the possibility a "catarrhal run?off" must be considered, and not be suppressed in order for a proper elimination.
When there is a weak area of the bowel that is sluggish and toxic, there is the possibility of these waste products being re absorbed back into the system, usually migrating back into the blood, then settling in the various weak tissue areas through out the body. Specific bowel cleansing procedures will eventually clean up these areas, as well as strengthening and toning.
 NERVE/ STRESS RINGS (Contraction Furrows)
Nerve/Stress Rings are depressions in the iris stroma and also be referred to as neurovascular cramp rings, cramp rings, contraction rings or nerve rings. These may be inherited or acquired but either way shows the individual has some degree of nerve tension or anxiety. They can also indicate mineral deficiencies, especially calcium.
In today's lifestyle, it is not uncommon to find that the majority of people have some degree of tension, reflected upon their job, relationships, financial, etc. Nerve rings can vary from light to heavy, depending upon the degree of nervous tension in the individual. When we see a nerve ring pass through the thyroid gland(the emotional gland), this represents extreme emotions that can be portrayed in the individual. Stress rings are commonly seen in the anxiety tetanic constitutions.
This is marked to show the overall elimination between the bowel, kidneys, bronchials/lungs, skin and lymph systems. Since most of our health difficulties begin in these elimination organs it is best to consider them most important. This analysis will help guide you in understanding the main principles of keeping these elimination organs functioning appropriately
This shows that there is a lack of blood supply in the arms and hands, legs and feet. The feet will show the first signs due to being the farthest from the heart. This is why circulatory problems usually occur first in the feet and legs. Cold water leg baths and barefoot grass or sand walks are very beneficial in increasing circulation in the lower extremities
This indicates the efficiency of gastro?intestinal nutrient absorption ability. The degree of darkness in this area may be associated with the amount of absorption difficulties. It's said that it is not what we eat that counts, it is what we digest that really counts. When the body is fatigued and the mind not functioning positively, we find that our assimilation is not going to be as powerful as it should be. Most of our assimilation is processed in our small intestine. Certain diets may hamper the ability of absorption villi to complete the many assimilative functions.
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